meaning of salvation

The textual meaning of salvation is to get rid of.
Usually people think that the meaning of salvation is to get freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Some people believe that shraads are the way to bring salvation to our ancestors. Some believe that good works bring salvation. Other says that after salvation a person become zero, loss in  darkness or falls apart from the world.
Is this the correct way of salvation?

It's a common belief that a person get salvation after death. But this is a complete myth. If death would be the way of salvation then no one will be alive on this earth , everyone has got freedom. 
It's told in our scriptures that one should do intransigence worship to attain God. 
    One will get that exclusive worship only when one will find a tatvdarshi saint who will tell about the true worship of that almighty God. 
For instance, it is written in geeta adhyay 4, and shlok 34 that - 
Oh arjun, go in the refuge of  a tatvdarshi saint. He will give you the true God's knowledge if you ask him miserably without any flam.

Sages and monks used to do austerity for thousands of years but they never find a true saint who will tell them about the true worship so in result they didn't get salvation. According to Geeta, God one prays will belong to that God means one will go in the refugee of God that he prayed.  By doing worship of all these gods we get salvation for a while not for forever. Because geeta's adhyay 8, shlok 16 states that everyone is in repetation to brahm lok means  births and deaths are confirmed of all sages and monks who are in brahm lok.

It's very easy to get complete salvation if one gets a true worship in guidance of a true saint. There were many great  personalities in kalyug who got tatvadarshi saint.
Some are - respectable gareeb das ji, daadu ji, dharmadas ji, naanak ji, malookdas ji, etc. These are the names of the persons who find the God in the form of tatvdarshi saint and worshipped according to the way,  written in vedas and other scriptures. And all of these great personalities have told that–
   "जम जौरा जासे डरे ,मिटे कर्म के लेख।
अदली असल कबीर है, कुल के सतगुरु एक।।

 All great men and scriptures states that salvation is the only aim of the life without it life is purposeless.

Kabir Saheb says that- 
"मानुष जनम पाये कर, जो नहीं रटै हरि नाम।
जैसे कुआ जल बिना, फिर बनवाया किस काम।।"
To find more information about the hidden mysteries and secrets of scriptures and worship according to the scriptures, please listen wonderful, supernatural and  auspicious discourse of saint rampalji maharaj .


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